“Vote Blue No Matter Who!” A Twitter Thread in Blog Form:

This year for the Democrats is an important one for Primaries. From the Presidential election to all the down ballot races. Doesn’t matter if you are afraid of socialism or if you’re candidate was screwed by the DNC or if they couldn’t hire anyone due to the blacklisting by the DCCC. You must “Vote Blue No Matter Who”. Remember the importance of the fight. You are supporting the Democrats, the party who puts the country over trivial, tribal bullshit. That’s why your ideology, morality, and conscience be damned you must vote for the Democratic nominee no matter what! Without further ado, here’s a thread of people who fall under the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” umbrella:

*Tom Perez when an app finally works*
Mayor Pete when he sees a Billionaire’s money
Elizabeth Warren anytime someone brings up 2016
Squirtle appealing to the Latino vote
Gabbard 2020 (Part 1)
Kloubuchar 2020
Gabbard 2020 (Part 2)
“Yang/Blue 2020” -MSNBC
Chris Matthews when he hears someone talking about socialism
Joe Biden when his figures out all those people he told to vote for someone else, actually did
Delaney 2020
StarKist 2020: For Small Business Enthusiasts, Those who favor stricter regulations on the fishing industry, & Those who support regime change in Japan
Mayor Pete’s Birth (Footage Courtesy of the CIA)
Bloomberg 2020
Pictured: Candidate Thomas the Tank smuggling illegal lumber from the Amazon Forest
Mini “Mike Bloomberg” Cooper
Bernie laying out his platform

Now Remember, you must vote for any of these candidates, solely because of the color blue. Fuck all the “purity tests”. It doesn’t matter if you agree with all their policies or think they’re corrupt or think they won’t do good for the country. It doesn’t matter if the person was very recently a Republican, doesn’t matter if they love regime change, or Wall Street. Nope doesn’t matter if they’ve taken money from Weinstein or Epstein………no, all that matters is that little D………next to their name on the ballot. It doesn’t matter if you are just color blind. Just remember “Vote Blue No Matter Who” so you can take pride in knowing you helped put in charge a slightly less corrupt party and truly earned that sense of moral and intellectual superiority.

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