South Carolina Debate Review (hint it was bad)

I don’t why I got my hopes up after the last debate that this one would be entertaining again. I’m not sure there were any real winners tonight but there were definitely 2 losers….the moderators and the viewers. The moderators never once had control over the debate, anyone could just start talking the loudest, take control and once you started you could go on forever. The whole thing was just terrible to watch and for that I’m not sure there will be any clear changes from this debate. The crowd seemed to be off as they were cheering/booing at weird times…until it came out that those people were charged $1500-3000 to attend the debate. The Democratic Party for Common People by Common People as always.

I think Biden probably did enough to stay the favorite in South Carolina. He actually had some fire, went on the attack, and since he didn’t collapse….he’s a winner I guess. I don’t know if anyone else was a winner. Bernie faced a lot of attacks but I thought he handled himself fairly well. Definitely not his best performance but I don’t think it hurts him and he’s still definitely the favorite. Bloomberg didn’t get crucified like last week so I guess that’s a win for him.

Warren and Amy didn’t really have great nights but I don’t think they did terribly either. The problem is both of them need a spark in their campaigns. Tom Steyer also had a decent night but I think he needed to do better to secure a top 3 finish in South Carolina.

Pete had a pretty bad night in my opinion and that may be biased because I’ve grown to hate him more and more as the campaign has gone on. He spent so much of his time tonight preaching about what is or isn’t electable like he knows what he is talking about. But in reality he’s never won a statewide election or gotten 11,000 votes!

So yeah while this was a pretty terrible debate, hopefully the next debate stage will be thinned out a little bit. Bernie is still the clear frontrunner and it looks like it’ll be Bloomberg or Biden who will be his main candidate. Unless Warren, Amy or Pete get a surprising result in SC or on Super Tuesday, they don’t have a chance.

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