A Brokered Convention would be the END of the Democratic Party

I wasn’t planning on talking about this but there’s been a lot of talk recently about the possibility of a brokered convention for the Democrats this year. Now I’m not sure if that is because it’ll really happen or if it’s because a brokered convention is every journalists wet dream. A chance for these people to pretend they’re in West Wing and talk about a bunch of bullshit for a week. As of now though it just seems like a nice distraction for a lot of the media an establishment as their freakout over Bernie continues.

There was a report in the NYT today that talked to about 100 superdelegates who want to hand the nomination to someone else besides Bernie. They dreamed of Sherrod Brown, Michelle Obama, maybe even Nancy Pelosi. Anyone but that divisive, unelectable guy……you know the one who’s the most liked in the race and leads almost every poll against Trump 1v1.

MSNBC discussed the possibility of a brokered convention today, and even when I thought MSNBC had reached peak insanity with their coverage they found a way to top it:

That’s right this former State Rep & MSNBC contributor argued that people don’t get to choose the nominee, the party does. This attitude is exactly the kind of out-of-touch backwards logic that makes the Democrats lose. Because there’s no doubt if Bernie Sanders goes into the convention with at least 40% or so of the delegates and then doesn’t get the nomination, that will be the END of the Democratic Party. But this just shows how out of touch the party elite is because they’re so worried about losing that they are willing to do something like this. And these same people would come out after the election and be shocked as to why their people didn’t turn up after telling 40% of them their vote didn’t matter in the primary. It’s actually very simple, there would be no easier way for Democrats to lose the election than by going through a year+ long primary, only to tell their base that the person who got the most votes isn’t the nominee.

This whole thing though comes down to self-protection against Bernie. The democratic party won’t be able to act like they’re barely left of center and argue from a position of weakness with Sanders at the top of the ticket. They’d actually have to fight for their ideas instead of trying to be Republican-lite. Plus if Sanders actually won, these donors and lobbyists would lose their superdelegate powers and would no longer be influential with Sanders fighting for public funding of elections and taking on special interests. That’s what this whole charade is about, not electability, not about ideology, but about the Democratic elite losing some of their power and influence.

So let’s hope this doomsday scenario never has a chance to happen. But if it does it will be very interesting to see if the Democratic leadership would destroy the party itself in order to try and save themselves.

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