Super Tuesday Results: Officially a 2 person Race

Super Tuesday was a shocker as after Joe Biden saved his campaign’s life on Saturday, he has made this solidly a 2 person race. He not only held on to his strongholds in the South but won Texas, Massachusetts, and Minnesota with him and Bernie the only ones to get delegates across all 14 states. Even after a near perfect night for Joe, after California is all counted it’ll likely be basically tied on delegates. Regardless of what the media says, this race is far from over. Biden 1000% has the momentum and luckily for him (and unlucky for Bernie) there is not a debate until the 15th and 6 states will vote before that. The only bright spot for Bernie is that the establishment lined up behind a guy who is his own worst enemy.

Last night was embarrassing for Michael Bloomberg after spending half a billion dollars and only getting delegates from a few places. He dropped out today and endorsed Biden. Elizabeth Warren also had a disastrous night after finishing 3rd in her home state and only qualifying for delegates in 3 states. I assume she will be out by the next votes, but you can never really know with her.

While last night was obviously a great one for Joe Biden after the establishment coalesced around him, he won Super Tuesday and officially made this thing a 2 person race. The bad news for Biden is that now that it’ll be him and Bernie 1v1 on the stage, his struggle to form full coherent sentences will be on full display. Also not a great sign for Joe is that the last moderate, free trade supporting, foreign policy hawk, with a list of bad votes and baggage surrounding corruption and their health nominated by the Democrats lost to Trump.

The next contests will be Tuesday March 10th where Mississippi, Michigan, Washington, Missouri, Idaho, and North Dakota will vote. Mississippi should be a big winner for Biden while Washington should be a winner for Bernie and I’m not sure what will happen in Missouri, Idaho, and North Dakota. But the big prize that day will likely be Michigan where the winner will have their electability arguments bolstered. There will not be a debate before those contests which seems like a missed opportunity for the Democratic Party especially since it’ll just be Bernie v. Biden.

Right now it looks unlikely that either Biden or Sanders will reach 51% of the delegates so one of them needs to get over 40% and/or build a lead of at least 5% or so before the convention to prevent a complete shitshow in Milwaukee.

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