The Democratic Party is its own Worst Enemy

In order to try and stop Bernie, the establishment quickly lined up behind Biden ahead of Super Tuesday. Biden showed up on Super Tuesday with a huge performance but after California votes come in it’ll be pretty much a tie in delegates. The Democratic base seems like it has either been brainwashed by “electability” or has had fear & weakness beat into their brains. Barack Obama WON after he was considered unelectable, while Gore, Kerry, and H. Clinton all LOST after being touted as the safe electable choice. It seems like the media and the party elite have just beaten into people’s heads that to win they must hug the “center” as hard as they can. You can’t actually say you have progressive plans or else your opponent will call you a socialist. You must run solely on things like “unity” “freedom” “choice” or other bullshit empty terms. That’s why they go so hard after Bernie, because they know if he wins that whole way of thinking/running will be over. So they brand him as unelectable with Biden as the safe electable one and the media treats it as fact.

I just don’t understand how people think Biden is the electable candidate. Some of the things that hurt Hillary the most in 2016 were Iraq, Trade, and questions over corruption. Biden has all that baggage but also with the bonus of some cognitive decline. It is shocking sometimes just how hard it has become for Joe to complete a sentence. This guy would get mopped by Trump on a debate stage and if that happens I will be demanding elder abuse charges against the Democratic elite and his top campaign staff.

Another race last night was a Congressional race in Texas where corporate Democrat Henry Cuellar was primaried by young progressive Jessica Cisneros. Cueller was supported by the NRA, fossil fuel companies, the DCCC, Republican mega-donor Charles Koch, and Nancy Pelosi. With all that money and established support against her, Cisneros came within 2 points off knocking off the incumbent. This just shows where the heart of the Democratic establishment is. They’d rather work with Republican donors to protect a guy who Votes with Trump 70% of the time than have to support a progressive who will challenge them.

I really hope that Biden collapses soon because if the establishment can pull him over the line, then I think there will be another 4 years of Trump. Honestly it seems like there are a lot of Democratic elite who would rather Trump than Bernie. At least with Trump, they can do their #Resist bit, sell their books, and go on TV to spew their terrible takes. If Bernie won, they wouldn’t have insight into that world and more importantly they wouldn’t have influence. Plus if Bernie won they might actually have to fight for some of their ideals instead of just compromising off the start.

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