MythBustin Episode 1: Joe Biden as Electable

Welcome to the new (and possibly recurring series) MythBusting where we’ll look at some myths that the media treats as fact. The first is Joe Biden as electable. The Democratic Primary voters are so concerned with beating Trump that electability is their #1 concern. Due to some combination of the media’s constant Biden=electable, Bernie=unelectable narratives or the decades long conditioning to make the Democratic base scared to have actual opinions or support left wing candidates but instead support people who only talk of hope, freedom, choice and more meaningless bullshit while trying to thread the needle of not being an actual Republican but also not too far left either.

So Biden is the person who has gotten most of the “electability” vote which makes no logical sense if you haven’t been brainwashed. In 2016 the Democrats elected the safe electable candidate who was a moderate with a bad record on trade, foreign policy, with questions over corruption. Now they’re gonna do the same thing with Biden who won’t have to deal with sexism but might have dementia.

I just don’t understand how people can go through 2016 and still think Biden is the electable one. There is a reason people didn’t coalesce around Biden for over a year when he was called a frontrunner. They only got on when he was the only one capable to stop Bernie. IF Biden is the nominee Trump will once again run to the Democrat’s left on trade and foreign policy and he’ll hammer Biden over social security. He will be ruthless on Hunter Biden, which Joe hasn’t shown he can adequately deal with yet. Yes he can call out Trump’s kids but it doesn’t hit the same when you’re running as the values/morality candidate while Trump clearly isn’t. Plus there’s the cognitive decline that has been on full display. In debates he struggles to form coherent thoughts, his campaign tries to hide him as best they can, he spoke for only 7 mins at his Missouri rally this week. I mean just look at him in 2018 vs now

Biden would be a electoral nightmare not only because of all his baggage, and his clear cognitive decline but also because of his ability to win over the left. Every time a voter questions him, he tells them to vote for someone else, calls them fat, or liars. He just won’t inspire the left or young voters at all. His whole strategy will be anti-Trump returned to Obama years normalcy. That messaged fell flat for Clinton and it will likely do the same for Biden.

I can’t wait for all the idiot talking heads in the media who are talking about Biden being the only electable one, to be shocked when Biden loses and blame it all on Bernie once again.

Myth: Joe Biden is the electable Candidate BUSTED

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