Top 5 picks for Biden’s VP

After the debate last night, the big takeaway has been on Biden announcing he will have a woman as Vice President. No need to focus on the substance of the debate or on how Biden lied every-time his record was brought up. Like the people on cable TV have so smartly pointed out, why focus on the past when Biden says he supports fixing all the damage his votes have done. Just like the old proverb says, “Action is cheap, talking points are all that matters”.

Back to the important news, this pick will allow Biden to possibly unite the party with a progressive or by appealing to Republicans by picking another moderate or even a Republican. Instead of listing the obvious choices like Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, or Elizabeth Warren, I’ll name some outside the box choices that no ones talking about.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin has already been a VP candidate so she knows the routine. She could help Biden really secure the moderate/Never-Trump vote. Plus she could bring some much needed energy to the campaign. What better way to attract suburban women and African American voters than by having your VP campaign across the country performing old-school rap songs. Fuck the Green New Deal, Sarah brings all the clean electricity this country needs. #BidenPalin2020

Anita Hill

Anita Hill as the VP pick would bring a lot of positives to the Biden campaign. It could take away one angle of attack from Trump, it could help solidify the African American support and it would show that Biden has grown from his mistakes. What better way to make up for an apology that was decades too late than by nominating Hill to be VP.

Susan Sarandon

If you’re online, you know that Susan Sarandon is the most influential person on the left. I’ve been told that she is one of the biggest reasons Hillary lost. As Susan Sarandon says, the nation goes…..or something like that. Bringing the actress in as VP could really help Biden bring the party together by attracting the left. Only downside would be if a #BidenSarandon2020 ticket lost then the #Resist Twitter would be down to Russia as its only excuse.

Greta Thunberg

What better way to get young people excited about your campaign than to have the young climate change activist Greta Thungerg be your Vice President. Now I know some nerds in my mentions will talk about how she is too young or isn’t an American….blah, blah, blah. This current President has shown norms don’t mean shit, so if Biden wants to win he should think about #BidenThunberg2020

Captain Marvel (Brie Larson)

There’s no better way to drive up turnout than by adding Marvel’s name to the ticket. Put her as VP polling places across the country will look like Comic-Con. Plus what better way to hide substantive gender critiques with one big gesture than by bringing on Captain Marvel.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Hillary Clinton (Why not?)
  • Meghan Markle (Good way to cuck Engalnd)
  • Aunt Jemima (Self-Explanatory)
  • Kim Kardashian (Better Criminal Justice Record than Biden)
  • Casey Anthony (Would make Joe look better by comparison)

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