The Democratic Party is INCOMPETENT (Coronavirus Edition)

After trying unsuccessfully to take down Donald Trump for 4+ years, the Democrats are now trying to fuck up something that actually could do that. Across the spectrum people are calling out the inadequate response to the pandemic and the Trump Administration’s handling of it. But of course this means the Democratic party has to go out of its way to look even more incompetent.

Today there were 4 primaries scheduled to go on, but only 3 went forward after the Ohio Governor called off the elections. Now during this pandemic where schools, restaurants, bars, etc are being shut down and people are being told to self-quarantine or practice social distancing, what did the Democrats do? Of course DNC chair Tom Perez came forward and said the primaries will go on and its clear to everyone why. The DNC wants to cornonate Joe Biden asap so they can quarantine him until November (for a non-corona related illness). The result has been chaos where voting locations have just been closed with little to no notice, locations do not have the supplies they need, voting machines aren’t working, and worst of all there’s location after location with hour long waits. So not only are the Democrats disenfranchising anyone at risk for the virus (or anyone who is close to someone at risk) but anyone who actually did come out to vote might not be able to or might have to wait over an hour in line with hundreds of other people. I truly hope the turnout is embarrassingly low just to really delegitimize this whole charade.

What level of risk or danger does there have to be for the DNC to postpone these primaries? What if there were 2 pandemics going on? If there was raining acid like on Venus? What if people need to walk thru a room of alligators in order to vote, like the Nathan For You skit? (Must Watch if you haven’t seen it) Honestly at this point if there was an active shooter at every single polling location, I think the DNC would be telling people, “Stay safe, but go vote D so that person couldn’t get a gun”

It gets worse though as today it was reported that the DNC is threatening any state that wants to postpone their primary. That’s right the party that likes to pride itself on “protecting health-care” is threatening any state that wants to protect its people’s health. Just so stupid and morally bankrupt.

But the incompetence doesn’t stop there. The House passed a bill for paid sick leave…..except well it only covers about 20% of workers. The bill was so bad, Republicans were coming out and saying it doesn’t do enough. Senate Republicans like Mitt Romney have come out for giving people $1,000 each. Meanwhile Democratic Senators are arguing for means testing on Twitter while some (Kamala Harris) are trying to plug their own plans that would give people less.

I don’t expect much from the Democratic Party these days but even I’m shocked that they are letting the Republicans run to the left of them on this. They should be going out trying to get as much money into people’s pockets as they can, giving additional help to business owners, and pushing for a stop on things like student loan payments, evictions, credit reporting, hell maybe even mortgage/rent/utility payments. Even in a crisis, the Democrats can not think big. It’s truly shameful.

Small business owners have to close down but still need to pay workers, rent, utilites, etc. People are being laid off or fired but still have bills to pay. Half of the country lives pay check to pay check and now those pay checks may be on hold…but their bills certainly aren’t. Get your shit together and start helping people.

If this incompetence is a look into the future of the Democratic Party, then we may be witnessing a massive political restructuring. The Democrats seem to be chasing suburban, and #NeverTrump voters while Republicans are advocating for having the government do more to help people.

So once again, Fuck the Democratic Party, Fuck Nancy Pelosi, Fuck Chuck Schumer, Fuck Tom Perez. But remember…no matter how shitty the Democrats are, no matter how incompetent they are, no matter how much they look down on you, no matter how little they try to get your vote….. you must… vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo…..*chugs all the bleach I stocked up on*

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