Somebody Please Help the Biden Team with Technology

A lot of people are noticing that Joe Biden hasn’t been seen or heard from much recently. You can really tell because everytime he emerges, he makes news…whether it’s calling voters fat, full of shit, or just wandering off camera. Now some provocateurs on the world wide web are speculating that his campaign is hiding him because he has dementia or is not all there mentally. But today Biden set the record straight by stating he is trying to figure out a way to answer questions on camera. “We’re in the the process of setting up the mechanisms by which we can do that….it’s above my paygrade” said the Presidential candidate.

This is where you the reader comes in. Below is a list of openings in the campaign specifically for their technology department. They desperately need help, so if you think you could help and would be a fit contact the Biden team immediately.

  • Technology Instructor: We need someone to explain a wide array of different technologies to the candidate. He can be forgetful and might need repetitive lessons. Start from explaining the Internet itself, to mobile phones, to videoconferencing/Skype/Facetime, to livestreaming. Someone with experience teaching children or people with learning disabilities preferred.
  • Anyone with a Phone/Computer: People forget that before South Carolina, the Biden team had virtually no money. Thankfully our SuperPAC is doing well but we still need supplies in order to livestream Joe. Anyone with a phone, laptop, tablet, desktop or just anything with a camera and Internet connectivity is needed immediately.
  • Graphic Designer/Deepfake Artist: Looking for someone with experience and a high level of skill with editing videos. Preferably someone who could make an older man look like he’s staying on the screen and sound like he’s not just spewing incoherent gibberish ……hypothetically of course. Please apply with samples of your work.

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