Democratic Party Courting George W. Bush…Because of Course They Are

Daily BeastBush certainly left the White House as a deeply unpopular figure, under the cloud of disastrous wars, various scandals, and a cratered economy. But his standing has improved in his years away from the political scene, including among Democratic voters. And on the few occasions he has waded back into public life, he has conveyed a more socially conscious approach to national affairs, including offering his recent support for ending systemic racism in police forces. Over time, the previously unthinkable has begun to happen, with prominent Democrats warming up to him and—now—the idea that an endorsement from him could provide an assist to the Democrats’ White House chances. 

Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a top Biden booster, said he would “welcome” the endorsement, arguing that the public embracing of a high-profile Republican could have an electoral upside in critical swing states

“Ninety percent of Trump’s vote is the base. And the base isn’t going to care what George Bush says,” Rendell said. “Then there’s the 10 percent of Independents, suburban Republicans that stuck with him. … The question is: what effect does a George Bush endorsement have with them? I’d say, it adds weight to the entire picture that’s growing. I don’t think there’s any blowback on our side.”

Here we have another example of how the politics today have made satire near impossible and how Trump’s election has broken people’s brains (on all sides). In the pre-2016 times if a show like SNL or VEEP had done a bit like this it wouldn’t have worked. The Democratic leadership is so out of touch that they think getting a former Republican President to endorse Joe Biden would “give them the appearance of bipartisanship and surely win over Independent and Never-Trump voters ” except for the glaring reality that them cozying up to Bush lowers their moral standing (esp. to the left), makes them look like complete hypocrites, plus the reality of Trump winning a Republican primary running an explicit anti-Bush campaign and the fact that regular people just don’t give a shit about endorsements anymore. But despite all that if Bush actually endorses Biden it will make news, because 97% of the coveted Never-Trump vote is employed by a mainstream media outlet, but how does it attract new voters? Maybe my dumb brain is missing something obvious but I just don’t get how a guy whose record includes Iraq, Guantanamo, biggest financial crisis since the Depression, Katrina, and a Torture World Tour attracts more voter than he repels. Then again this brain trust fumbled their way into losing an election to a reality TV host with the lowest favorables of any Presidential nominee in history so good ideas aren’t really their strong-suit.

Logic of the Democratic Leaderhip:

Endorsements from people who have said “offensive” things (Joe Rogan, Cenk Uygur, etc.) Bad

Endorsement from the people who have done bad things (Mike Bloomberg, George Bush, etc.) Good

Battle of the Photo-Ops: Trump/Bible vs. Dems Kneeling

This week we were given 2 of the more hilariously transparent photo-ops in recent memory. If anyone ever asks why over 40% of the country doesn’t vote, just show them these 2 images. The mind-numbing pandering put on full display shows just how out of touch both major political parties are. But enough preaching, let’s go ahead and look at today’s contestants:

President Trump Holds a Bible

I mean just look at his face, the way he’s holding it showcasing the blank cover its just perfect. But this picture only gets better when you add in the context. Before this photo-op there was reporting Trump had been brought to a bunker, which true or not made him look weak…meaning the President has to leap into action to protect the only important thing in this world…himself. “What will make me look strong??? Tweet “Law and Order” in all caps? No…I’ll show my strength by holding up the bible” “Great Idea Sir!” uttered a random yes man “I’ll go grab one” “No” The President shouts backs, “Let’s do it in front of a church. It’ll look better if I go to the Bible’s home”.

It’s even funnier because even an idiot like me knows it would’ve been so much easier for him to just walk outside and acknowledge the protesters or hell even walk among us common people to take the picture. That’s too crazy I know. Instead they went with the much more rational “clear out those crazy-haired vegans with tear gas/rubber bullets and take a picture holding a bible with your best tough guy face”.

Trump holding a bible is funny but is a pretty insignificant/normal Trump being Trump moment. Still there’s no way the Democrats can make themselves look worse during a nationwide protest over police brutality during a pandemic right? Well just when you think the Democrats couldn’t possible fuck-up worse, is when they shine their brightest….which brings us to the next contestant:

Democrats in Congress Kneeling

Kneeling for 8 minutes 46 seconds in solidarity with George Floyd isn’t a bad thing to do. If you’re doing it while while white and wearing kente cloth as a normal person you should probly get called out for trying a little too much. But to do that when you literally control 1/2 of Congress and there’s clearly mass support for systemic change is a new level of tonedeafness from Pelosi/Schumer and co. It’s frightening, yet not surprising, that Dems have no one to tell them, hey this might not be the best look, plus most of you struggle getting off the couch let alone off one knee after almost 9 minutes. Instead of kneeling hoe about just going and pass some real changes. But the plan from Democratic leadership seems to be “we’ll kneel and look good showing support and then pass small reforms and claim victory cause something’s better than nothing”.


This was already leaning one way, but once you see this bonus footage it’s clear why the Democrats lose this Battle of the Photo Ops.

As funny as seeing the Democrats kneel in kente cloth was (especially given how many have helped put together this system), seeing them trying to get up was even funnier. And as a prize for winning Battle of the Photo-ops the Demcorats win…….bonus bashing:

It’s so transparent the Democrats are all show no substance as always. They’ve been quick to come out and denounce the slogan “defund the police” while promoting reforms like banning chokeholds. Now banning chokeholds isn’t a terrible policy in theory…though the NY law did not stop officers from killing Eric Garner 6 YEARS AGO . Now whether you think defunding the police is a good or bad idea in theory is one thing. But coming after the phrase itself or saying it’s bad negotiating/ messaging is just plain wrong. Now I didn’t learn much in school about the government but one thing that was beaten into my head was if you’re in the Legislative branch (Congress, State, City council whatever) part of your job is controlling the budget… which entails funding/defunding things. So if you reject the language of “Defund the Police” (not the policy but just the idea) then you’re neutering the Legislature.

But typical Dem Leadership behavior…give up half your power/bargaining power before the negotiations even start.

The Democratic Party is INCOMPETENT (Coronavirus Edition)

After trying unsuccessfully to take down Donald Trump for 4+ years, the Democrats are now trying to fuck up something that actually could do that. Across the spectrum people are calling out the inadequate response to the pandemic and the Trump Administration’s handling of it. But of course this means the Democratic party has to go out of its way to look even more incompetent.

Today there were 4 primaries scheduled to go on, but only 3 went forward after the Ohio Governor called off the elections. Now during this pandemic where schools, restaurants, bars, etc are being shut down and people are being told to self-quarantine or practice social distancing, what did the Democrats do? Of course DNC chair Tom Perez came forward and said the primaries will go on and its clear to everyone why. The DNC wants to cornonate Joe Biden asap so they can quarantine him until November (for a non-corona related illness). The result has been chaos where voting locations have just been closed with little to no notice, locations do not have the supplies they need, voting machines aren’t working, and worst of all there’s location after location with hour long waits. So not only are the Democrats disenfranchising anyone at risk for the virus (or anyone who is close to someone at risk) but anyone who actually did come out to vote might not be able to or might have to wait over an hour in line with hundreds of other people. I truly hope the turnout is embarrassingly low just to really delegitimize this whole charade.

What level of risk or danger does there have to be for the DNC to postpone these primaries? What if there were 2 pandemics going on? If there was raining acid like on Venus? What if people need to walk thru a room of alligators in order to vote, like the Nathan For You skit? (Must Watch if you haven’t seen it) Honestly at this point if there was an active shooter at every single polling location, I think the DNC would be telling people, “Stay safe, but go vote D so that person couldn’t get a gun”

It gets worse though as today it was reported that the DNC is threatening any state that wants to postpone their primary. That’s right the party that likes to pride itself on “protecting health-care” is threatening any state that wants to protect its people’s health. Just so stupid and morally bankrupt.

But the incompetence doesn’t stop there. The House passed a bill for paid sick leave…..except well it only covers about 20% of workers. The bill was so bad, Republicans were coming out and saying it doesn’t do enough. Senate Republicans like Mitt Romney have come out for giving people $1,000 each. Meanwhile Democratic Senators are arguing for means testing on Twitter while some (Kamala Harris) are trying to plug their own plans that would give people less.

I don’t expect much from the Democratic Party these days but even I’m shocked that they are letting the Republicans run to the left of them on this. They should be going out trying to get as much money into people’s pockets as they can, giving additional help to business owners, and pushing for a stop on things like student loan payments, evictions, credit reporting, hell maybe even mortgage/rent/utility payments. Even in a crisis, the Democrats can not think big. It’s truly shameful.

Small business owners have to close down but still need to pay workers, rent, utilites, etc. People are being laid off or fired but still have bills to pay. Half of the country lives pay check to pay check and now those pay checks may be on hold…but their bills certainly aren’t. Get your shit together and start helping people.

If this incompetence is a look into the future of the Democratic Party, then we may be witnessing a massive political restructuring. The Democrats seem to be chasing suburban, and #NeverTrump voters while Republicans are advocating for having the government do more to help people.

So once again, Fuck the Democratic Party, Fuck Nancy Pelosi, Fuck Chuck Schumer, Fuck Tom Perez. But remember…no matter how shitty the Democrats are, no matter how incompetent they are, no matter how much they look down on you, no matter how little they try to get your vote….. you must… vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo…..*chugs all the bleach I stocked up on*

“Vote Blue No Matter Who!” A Twitter Thread in Blog Form:

This year for the Democrats is an important one for Primaries. From the Presidential election to all the down ballot races. Doesn’t matter if you are afraid of socialism or if you’re candidate was screwed by the DNC or if they couldn’t hire anyone due to the blacklisting by the DCCC. You must “Vote Blue No Matter Who”. Remember the importance of the fight. You are supporting the Democrats, the party who puts the country over trivial, tribal bullshit. That’s why your ideology, morality, and conscience be damned you must vote for the Democratic nominee no matter what! Without further ado, here’s a thread of people who fall under the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” umbrella:

*Tom Perez when an app finally works*
Mayor Pete when he sees a Billionaire’s money
Elizabeth Warren anytime someone brings up 2016
Squirtle appealing to the Latino vote
Gabbard 2020 (Part 1)
Kloubuchar 2020
Gabbard 2020 (Part 2)
“Yang/Blue 2020” -MSNBC
Chris Matthews when he hears someone talking about socialism
Joe Biden when his figures out all those people he told to vote for someone else, actually did
Delaney 2020
StarKist 2020: For Small Business Enthusiasts, Those who favor stricter regulations on the fishing industry, & Those who support regime change in Japan
Mayor Pete’s Birth (Footage Courtesy of the CIA)
Bloomberg 2020
Pictured: Candidate Thomas the Tank smuggling illegal lumber from the Amazon Forest
Mini “Mike Bloomberg” Cooper
Bernie laying out his platform

Now Remember, you must vote for any of these candidates, solely because of the color blue. Fuck all the “purity tests”. It doesn’t matter if you agree with all their policies or think they’re corrupt or think they won’t do good for the country. It doesn’t matter if the person was very recently a Republican, doesn’t matter if they love regime change, or Wall Street. Nope doesn’t matter if they’ve taken money from Weinstein or Epstein………no, all that matters is that little D………next to their name on the ballot. It doesn’t matter if you are just color blind. Just remember “Vote Blue No Matter Who” so you can take pride in knowing you helped put in charge a slightly less corrupt party and truly earned that sense of moral and intellectual superiority.

Democratic Debate Review

Are you wondering why people are losing trust trust in the media? Are you wondering why the Democratic party is a perpetual loser while simultaneously having public support behind the majority of issues? Well look no further than tonight’s Democratic Debate where the DNC and CNN decided that what people want is 12 egomaniacs sharing the stage fighting for speaking time. Anyone that decided that a 3 hour debate with 12 people on stage was a better idea than 2 2 hour debates with 6 people a piece should be fired need to be tar and feathered outta Ohio. After everything I just said it though I will give the DNC credit (#FairAndBalanced) The party has shown how progressive they have become to include the underrepresented, lobotomized demographic in their decision making staff.

Now that the important stuff is out of the way, let’s get into the substance of the debate. Most of the people on the stage held their own and appealed to their own base and will continue to tread water until Iowa. Only a few people stood out to me (Sanders, Yang, Butti…eg), and only a few losers (Biden, Beto). Now most other “news sites” will do winners/losers, or grade each candidate. Not only am I gonna do both, I’m also gonna tier all candidates into 4 groups FrontRunner, 2nd Tier. JV Stage, Should Drop Out.


Bernie Sanders: Bouncing back after a heart attack and having arguably the best debate performance of the night as well as his best personal performance. He was energetic, fiery and attacking Biden over Iraq, NAFTA, and the bankruptcy bill was a moment he needs to build on. Attack Biden, Pete, the Media, tell people to follow the money. Lean in to the angry old-man caricature. Keep saying how fucked up the system is and call out the enablers in the media and Democratic Party. This debate performance should continue solidify his position as a frontrunner. Winner Grade A-

Elizabeth Warren: Another solid performance where Warren is articulate, energetic, and steady. BY FAR best part of the her night was after Biden try to co-opt some of the credit for the CFPB where she slowly said thank you before pausing to name President Obama and not Biden. The most direct, indirect shot I’ve ever seen and clearly flustered Biden. One of the better performances of the night but didn’t quite move the needle relative to her position as much as other candidates. Treaded Water Grade B+

2nd Tier Candidates:

Andrew Yang: The most underestimated candidate in the field continues to perform. Leading the field ideas like Universal Basic Income, Concerns over Automation, and Drug Decriminalization that have shown popular causing some of the bottom-feeders to start to ride the wave. His strength is not only evident by debate performances and p*lls but fundraising as well. In Q3 he tripled his Q2 numbers raising $10 million (more than Beto and Klouba…ar combined) and good for 6th overall. Winner Grade A-

Pete Buttig…g/ Kamala Harris/ Cory Booker: All 3 are trying to be fill the centrist “progressive who like to get things done” lane and be the face of tes movement currently led by what’s left of Joe Biden. Mayor Pete’s main message is New Guy With Fresh* Ideas! Perfect example of his new, bold ideas is his healthcare plan which is Medicare for All….who want it (and can pay for it). He’s raising a lot of money from big donors but is still stuck bickering with Beto (aka Dante’s 2nd Circle of Hell). It looks like Kamala Harris is running the “Anti-Trump and Not Much Substance” play out of the Hillary Clintion playbook. She focused on getting Donald Trump kicked off twitter… which would force him to spend more time focusing on having the nuclear codes. Cory Booker was one of the people who got lost in the fray and I kinda forgot he was there. All three are very eloquent speakers and establishment darlings but none are real candidates but are 2nd tier due to lack of options. All Tread Water Grades B

Need to be Relegated to the JV Debate:

Amy Kloub…ar/ Julian Castro/ Beto O’Rourke/ Tulsi Gabbard: Out of this group MidWestern Amy had the best night of the group as she fought for the centrist lane while constantly showcasing that she is nice and from the midwest. Castro and Gabbard were among the group that just blended in and were hurt by idiotic decision to have 12 people up there. Beto could arguably be in the “drop out” section as though he still has some fight left, he has lost the establishment darling and horny/unsatisfied woman voters to Mayor Pete as well as the stoned/skater/nerd voters to Andrew Yang. All Treaded Water Grades: Amy B-, Castro/Gabbard C, Beto D+

Need to Drop Out

Joe Biden: Another poor performance from a “frontrunner”. He continues to struggle forming coherent sentences trying to make his case as to why going back to normal is the way to go. Surprisingly only Bernie took a clean shot at his record but it will continue to haunt him. The end of the debate was the worst part for Biden as he was flustered by and patronizing towards Warren over the CFPB. Then in his closing remarks he screamed that America can do anything it puts its mind to, Anything! (Besides making health care a human right, aggressively addressing climate change, properly tax the rich, break up monopolies, and end these stupid wars). Loser Grade D

Tom Steyer: After buying his way onto the debate stage Steyer proving billionaires have too much money and make bad purchases. Actualy had some decent lines about corruption and the changes needed but it would be more sincere and/or compelling if it came from someone spending money on down-ballot races or issue education incstead of funding a vanity project. Treaded Water Grade D+

Official Post 4th Debate Tiers

P.S. I was writing this during the debate but can’t not talk about CNN’s last question. Pop Quiz for those who didn’t watch: Was it about: Climate Change, Filibuster Reform, Corruption, Immigration, Criminal Justice Reform, Impeachment, Clean Water Crisis, Infrastructure, or Ellen DeGeneres & George Bush????? If you didn’t guess the DUMBEST FUCKING possible answer then you have way more trust in CNN than you should. This “News Network” used the last 15 minutes or 1/16 of a debate to talk about A TV HOST AND A WAR CRIMINAL TURNED PAINTER. No wonder Bernie Sanders had a heart attack having to endure these questions. I almost had a heart attack laying in bed when I heard that fucking question. Jesus Christ I don’t even have the words to describe this utterly stupid, beyond parody, Circus that is American politics and Political Media.

P.S.S Looking at the speaking times for each candidate is almost a worse look for CNN as it exposes the media’s bias against Sanders and Yang. Sanders, the guy who raised the most money in Q3 ($25 million), has by far the most donations and donors, got less speaking time than Amy Kloubo and Beto O’Rourke, 3.5 less minutes than Biden, and 9.5 less than Warren. To put that in perspective Yang, Castro, Gabbard, and Steyer all got less than 9 mins each total! Warren (22:47) Biden (16:39), Amy (13:18) are top 3 for speaking time. Andrew Yang got 8:32 mins to speak (9th). He got less than 10 mins less time than Amy or Beto combined while he outfundraised them by 2x last quarter. By literally any metric Yang is a top 5 candidate yet the media has still yet to adjust.

Me screaming into the void knowing I have to keep watching CNN for months to come

3rd Democratic Debate Recap

The third Democratic debate was last night and if you chose to watch the delay in the Bucs-Panthers game you chose the more entertaining option. During the first couple minutes in the debate (held in Texas) Amy Kloubachar dropped a “Houston we have a problem” line and in hindsight I should’ve followed my gut reaction to the line which was to turn off my TV and Van Gogh myself. However, since I am a masochist,I watched the next 3 hours of the debate but instead of talking about the debate in terms of winners and losers like literally every single other outlet,I’m just gonna ramble off my thoughts in no particular order… otherwise known as the Joe Biden method.

  • Every comedian at home watching the debate must’ve been thrilled that people may now have a better understanding of how hard it is to write a funny joke
  • The entire political media world is asking the same question after the debate last night, “was Castro too mean to Joe Biden”. No that isn’t a typo, yes this is real life, and yes this is incredibly stupid but Castro has to be a winner because people will talk about him more now than the the rest of the campaign combined.
  • That overshadowed the fact that Joe Bidden answered a question about the legacy of slavery by somehow connecting redlining, his dead wife, record players, Venezuela, and social workers needing to teach poor parents how to raise kids.
  • Cory Booker is one of the most eloquent politicians and just listening to him everyone wonders why he doesn’t have more support. That is until you remember that he has a record of things he’s actually done.
  • Amy Kloubachar needs to drop out.
  • The moderators were shockingly pretty good. Besides barely talking about climate change and only talking about China & Venezuela for foreign policy, the moderators asked pretty tough questions for everyone. Grilling Kamala Harris on her background she touts all the time and Biden’s history of statements on race were both the best questions asked at any debate by far.
  • Despite being continually ignored by the media, Andrew Yang continues to impress by being the only one who is clearly *not* a politician.
  • Sanders and Warren held their own. If you already liked them you’ll still probably like them and vice versa.
  • Mayor Pete showed the composure and stature of someone who’s never held office higher than small town mayor.
  • Beto was strong on guns and race by showing passion and authenticity. Too bad he’s not running for an office he can actually win…
  • Kamala Harris continues to run on her platform of standing for nothing but attacking Trump. She also seems to spending too much time because all her one-liners were wayyy too corny.

Overall I don’t think this debate will do anything to the state of the race, Sanders and Warren are still the front-runners in my mind. Biden showed why I’ve believed for months he doesn’t have the capacity to win the nomination. And everyone else on the stage besides Yang, Beto, and maybe Castro did nothing to help themselves in a meaningful way. Only five more months of this to go til Iowa!

When actual voting doesn’t start for 5 more months

2nd Debate Lineup Talk: How the Democratic Cats stack up

Only CNN could look at the history of live reveals (see: The Decision, the NBA Awards, March Madness Bracket Reveal, etc.) and say “Hey we need to get into this game”. They were even so paranoid after the whole Donna Brazille tipping off Clinton before the primaries debate thing, that they made multiple camera angles to prove there was no foul play. Now that that issue is settled, Here are the lineups (28 mins more efficient than CNN)


  • Bernie Sanders
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Pete Buttigieg
  • Beto O’Rourke
  • Amy Kloubachar,
  • John Hickenlooper
  • Steve Bullock
  • John Delaney
  • Tim Ryan
  • Marianne Williamson

This night will be billed as SANDERS vs. WARREN: THE BATTLE FOR PROGRESSIVE HEARTS. IMO the real focus of the night is to see if Pete Buttigeg can put Beto out his misery and end his campaign by taking the horny suburban mom demographic. The rest of the candidates are………well lets just say I’d rather watch Wolf Blitzer narrate footage of me trying to talk to women.

Amy Kloubachar (disqualified for eating a salad with a comb) John Hickenlooper (can never live up to the expectations of the Hickenlooper name) Steve Bullock (Had the impossible task of getting people to care about Montana) John Delaney/Tim Ryan (do i really have to list a reason?) Marianne Williamson (need a reality show in the works by the real election)

Night 2

  • Kamala Harris
  • Joe Biden
  • Cory Booker
  • Julian Castro
  • Tulsi Gabbard
  • Jay Inslee
  • Bill DeBlasio
  • Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Andrew Yang
  • Michael Bennet

HARRIS VS. BIDEN ROUND 2 will most likely be over-hyped buttttt this could be Harris’s chance to put Biden in the Home for good. After the headliners you get to a much more interesting undercard than night 1. Booker vs. Castro, to me, feels like the scene in The Dark Knight where the joker tells two guys there’s only room for one of them and drops a broken pool stick on the ground. Except of course instead of murdering each other with pool sticks they’ll probably just have a contest to see who would get a better grade in high school spanish. I actually find Tulsi Gabbard, Jay Inslee, and Andrew Yang very interesting candidates but I fear DeBlasio, Bennet, and Gillibrand will just out yell them all night.

*Side note* the fact that these networks don’t cut people’s mics is a complete joke**

P.S. if you were wondering why I referred to the candidates as “cats” in the headline. The answer is Cats just dropped the creepiest trailer of all time and Im trying to ride that wave #GottaGetThatSEO

Democrat’s Tax Embarrassment

It is now July and Democrats, who have controlled the House since January, still do not have President Trump’s tax returns. Thanks to a 1924 law

It is now July and Democrats, who have controlled the House since January, still do not have President Trump’s tax returns. The law that states Congress can request any tax return from the IRS comes from a 1924 law resulting from the TeaPot Dome scandal. (POP Quiz: Is the Teapot Dome a bribery scandal involving oil or a sexual harassment case scandal involving Beast and a certain singing TeaPot?). Its such an open and shut case even the Democrats couldn’t screw this up right? Here’s Nancy Pelosi talking about it before the last midterms

” one of the first things we’d do — that’s the easiest thing in the world. That’s nothing”

After Democrats took back the House and Pelosi became Speaker again it should be done right? It was so easy there’s no way they couldv’e screw it up. Lets look at the factsList

  • It took Democrats Four (4) (IV) months to even ask for them
  • Treasury Secretary refused to give them over even though the Democrats so nicely kept extending the deadline
  • They issued a subpoena for them on May 17th
  • Its July, they still don’t have them and they refuse to fine/arrest the Treasury Secretary for violating the subpoena

So even when Democrats only try to do something “that’s the easiest thing in the world” they still manage to lose like the spineless cowards they are.

Biggest Mueller Report Takeaway: Democrats are still huge pussies

Afters months and months of Democratic leadership claiming they needed to wait for Mueller report before making a judgment on impeachment (ignoring the numerous reports claiming illegal behavior, the President already being an unindicted co-conspirator and all the obstruction that took place in plain sight). Now that the (redacted version) of the Mueller Report has been released laying out the connections between members of the Trump campaign and Russian nationals as well as Trump’s numerous attempts to slow or dismantle the investigation. Even after this report was released the Democrats are still unwilling to do anything.

Steny Hoyer came out saying that impeachment is “not worthwhile” after seeing the report (echoing something Nancy Pelosi previously said). Hoyer wants to let the American public decide in the 2020 election. Today’s political landscape is increasingly impossible to parody and the Democratic leadership’s cartoonish levels of cowardice is one example. The courage of the Democratic Leadership makes the lion from the Wizard of Oz look like a fucking Achilles/Rambo hybrid by comparison. Even without the Mueller Report, the President was an unindicted co-conspirator in the campaign finance violations Michael Cohen was caught up in. There are also shocking levels of corruption with the Trump properties seemingly selling influence and allowing the President to profit off his position.

Instead of making that argument, along with the findings of the Mueller report, the Democrats are pussying out of the situation and shifting the responsibility to voters. Not only is this cowardly and an abdication of power, its also politically stupid. By not making the case against the President the Democrats seemingly concede the main tensions during the majority of this President. In addition, Democrats don’t have a great recent track record of making their case to voters and they will undoubtedly have more trouble if after 4 years of arguing about how horrible Trump is, they ignore the findings and refuse to impeach him for criminal actions.

If the Democratic leadership had any balls or will to make their case, they would have already started impeachment proceedings, they would issue way more subpoenas and not be trigger shy in issuing them, and they would try to impeach Barr and show how he is not objective or up to the standard of an Attorney General.

Now its no surprise to anyone who pays attention to politics that Democrats are rolling over like this but maybe they will face enough pressure to surprise everyone.