Super Tuesday Results: Officially a 2 person Race

Super Tuesday was a shocker as after Joe Biden saved his campaign’s life on Saturday, he has made this solidly a 2 person race. He not only held on to his strongholds in the South but won Texas, Massachusetts, and Minnesota with him and Bernie the only ones to get delegates across all 14 states. Even after a near perfect night for Joe, after California is all counted it’ll likely be basically tied on delegates. Regardless of what the media says, this race is far from over. Biden 1000% has the momentum and luckily for him (and unlucky for Bernie) there is not a debate until the 15th and 6 states will vote before that. The only bright spot for Bernie is that the establishment lined up behind a guy who is his own worst enemy.

Last night was embarrassing for Michael Bloomberg after spending half a billion dollars and only getting delegates from a few places. He dropped out today and endorsed Biden. Elizabeth Warren also had a disastrous night after finishing 3rd in her home state and only qualifying for delegates in 3 states. I assume she will be out by the next votes, but you can never really know with her.

While last night was obviously a great one for Joe Biden after the establishment coalesced around him, he won Super Tuesday and officially made this thing a 2 person race. The bad news for Biden is that now that it’ll be him and Bernie 1v1 on the stage, his struggle to form full coherent sentences will be on full display. Also not a great sign for Joe is that the last moderate, free trade supporting, foreign policy hawk, with a list of bad votes and baggage surrounding corruption and their health nominated by the Democrats lost to Trump.

The next contests will be Tuesday March 10th where Mississippi, Michigan, Washington, Missouri, Idaho, and North Dakota will vote. Mississippi should be a big winner for Biden while Washington should be a winner for Bernie and I’m not sure what will happen in Missouri, Idaho, and North Dakota. But the big prize that day will likely be Michigan where the winner will have their electability arguments bolstered. There will not be a debate before those contests which seems like a missed opportunity for the Democratic Party especially since it’ll just be Bernie v. Biden.

Right now it looks unlikely that either Biden or Sanders will reach 51% of the delegates so one of them needs to get over 40% and/or build a lead of at least 5% or so before the convention to prevent a complete shitshow in Milwaukee.

Super Tuesday Mega-Preview

Today’s the day everyone predicted would narrow the field, Super Tuesday, where 1/3 of the delegates are up for grabs….except that consolidation has already happened. 3 people dropped out after SC and the establishment has thrown everything behind Joe Biden. They must’ve offered up something big to get Amy Klobuchar to drop out 24 hours before likely getting her 1st Primary win. Mayor Pete also dropped out and endorsed Biden and even Beto was brought back into the fold. It’s hilarious watching Pete and Beto bow to Biden after running their campaigns almost entirely on being a new face/voice. I guess that’s why they’re in the spot there are now, having to endorse someone else for relevance. But Biden still faces an uphill challenge on Super Tuesday. He hasn’t spent much time in any of the states and didn’t have the money to spend there, hence the avalanche of endorsements and the constant coverage over the last 72 hours. Thankfully the Democratic establishment has learned from 2016 and backed the electable Joe Biden, a moderate Iraq War/Free Trade supporting candidate with questions involving corruption and who spends as little time outside as possible to avoid scandals/gaffes. What could possibly go wrong?

As always we’ll start with the state of the race in 1 picture:

Biden has the momentum after SC but after winning the first 3 contests and leading the fundraising, Bernie has the organizational edge in Super Tuesday states. If Bernie can open up a lead after today, Biden’s path to the nomination only comes from a brokered convention. If Biden can keep it close then it would solidly become a 2 person race as both would have a shot to get 51% of the delegates.

Here are some of the biggest things to look for:

  • The far and away biggest thing to look for is the number 15. You have to win at least 15% to get delegates in states, so it’ll be important to see how many of the states candidates are above that threshold.
  • California: The final numbers for California probably won’t be in for days, maybe weeks. 3 million votes have been cast already. The most important thing will be if Warren or Bloomberg can reach 15% and if they do it will shift 100s of delegates.
  • Texas: Texas seems like a toss-up with Biden going all in last night on the state. Bernie winning here would be big for him and he has gone hard for the Latino vote after winning the outright majority of Latinos in Nevada. Again look for whether a 3rd or even 4th person can get to 15.
  • Here’s a look at all the states/delegates up for grabs today:

Here’s a closer look at what to watch for, by candidate:

Bernie Sanders

People may disagree with me having Bernie as the sole frontrunner, but everyone is chasing him and he’s only chasing 51%. Bernie looks like the favorite in CA and a win there would be big but a more important things for him would be only 1 other person max hitting 15%. This could be the deciding factor of the race as if only Biden reaches 15 then Sanders would get an extra ~20% of the delegates than he would if anyone else reached 15. Texas is a state the Bernie campaign invested a lot in the Latino community. He dominated that vote in Nevada and might need a similar showing to win Texas. Can Bernie win in places like Colorado, Utah, Massachusetts, Minnesota? Can he win North Carolina, Virginia, or Oklahoma? Can he reach 15% in the Southern States? Bernie’s lead after all these states will define the race. A big lead may be insurmountable, a close lead means its a real race going forward.

Joe Biden

A good night for Biden is sweeping the South, winning Texas, NC, VA, and reaching 15% in California. Worst case for Joe is being the only one (besides Bernie) at 15% in CA, and only winning in the South (besides Texas). Look out for how Bloomberg does and if he seems to take away Biden support. Bloomberg finishing above 15% in only states Biden wins would hurt the former VP in his chase after Bernie. Good news for Biden is that he has a chance to make this officially a 2 person race after today. Bad news is he still has to debate with Bernie, where he’ll have to talk a lot more meaning he’ll have a lot more sentences to struggle to form… his record still exists.

Elizabeth Warren

After watching candidates like Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar drop out, Elizabeth Warren has stayed in the race despite having done worse than both of them. Less than a week after going at SuperPACs, Warren got a SuperPAC that is helping her stay in the race. It seems like Warren is just trying to rack up as many delegates as she can on Super Tuesday, even though she might lose her home state to Bernie. It’s puzzling seeing Warren still in the race as she only has exactly 1 path to winning the nomination……which would be an attack or outbreak at the convention where Warren is the designated survivor. Other than that she has ZERO (0) chance of being the nominee, especially if she loses Massachusetts. Warren is doing a lot more harm to her reputation with progressives by staying in the race after everyone else dropped to back Biden. If she drops out after S.T. and endorsed Bernie that would help but if she gets 15% in places like CA or TX then she could do real damage to Bernie.

Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg’s campaign wasn’t looking good after his debate performances but now after a Biden resurgence, his campaign is not looking great at all. He still has all his billions which will do something but if he somehow manages to hit 15% in some states he could actually help Bernie by siphoning off some of Biden’s support. It’ll be interesting to see if Biden does well on Super Tuesday, if Bloomberg drops out and just puts all his cash behind Biden and launching anti-Bernie attack ads. If not, his path remains the same as it’s always been….buying the nomination at the convention.

State of the Race before SC

Today is the South Carolina Primary and it’s significant as if Biden loses his campaign is all but over while a Sanders win could all but end the race. Luckily for Biden he’s the favorite but still desperately needs momentum heading into Super Tuesday where 1/3 of the delegates are up for grabs. As always here’s the State of the Race right now in 1 picture to start:

Bernie Sanders enters as the sole frontrunner after going 3/3 to start the Primary season. A win here in South Carolina would seemingly end the race but even without a win, he could still pick up an insurmountable lead after Super Tuesday where he leads in states like California and Texas.

For Joe Biden the thing he needs most, beyond a win, is momentum. He needs to excite people in S.T. states and needs a lot of money for those contests. It might be too late for Biden already though as he’ll have to ramp up staff and organizing in these states in about 72 hours. Here’s a look at Biden’s operation on the ground in the biggest prize, California:


Even an idiot like me knows it’s probably not a good sign for a campaign when the sole campaign office in the state is padlocked shut on a Friday. (And that’s doesn’t even touch on the fact that he only has 1 office for the entire state of the California…..for comparison Bernie has 23). It’ll be interesting to see if a Biden wins allows him to take a lot of Bloomberg support on S.T. where 15% is needed to get delegates so the worst case scenario for everyone (but Bernie) is for Biden/Bloomberg to split votes and end up at 14% in a bunch of these states. This could happen in California which would officially give Sanders a metric fuck ton of delegates.

Back to South Carolina, which could also be the last stand for Tom Steyer and Tulsi Gabbard. Without a strong performance, both of these candidates should be out. Steyer has spent most of his money/time in South Carolina and he’s been in 3rd in the polls but he needs keep his support here after he failed to in Nevada. He did however have a hilarious clip go viral last night of him dancing on stage while Juvenile performs the classic “Back Dat Azz Up”

If Steyer under-performs it won’t be due of a lack of electricity

Candidates like Elizabeth Warren. Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg probably won’t do well in South Carolina but are relying on Super Tuesday. If any of them do surprisingly well it could give them a life-saving spark. Massachusetts and Minnesota vote on S.T. and if Warren and Klobuchar lose their home states that should be a wrap on their campaigns. It’s hard to convince people to keep giving you money (or that you could get the nomination at a brokered convention) if you can’t even win your home state. Mayor Pete has been doing his best Obama cosplay so far but still has yet to attract support from people of color. I guess his message of a new face for old ideas isn’t catching on as well as his consultants/focus groups hoped.

Pete 2020

Michael Bloomberg isn’t on the ballot in South Carolina but I’m sure he’d like to see a big Biden win. Yes they would share a lot of support in S.T. states but it seems like Bloomberg’s only play is a contested convention and that can’t happen unless him and someone else get above the 15% needed to win delegates.

It seems we’re getting to a point where everyone, but Bernie, thinks their only chance is at a contested convention….If you wanna read how a brokered convention would be the worse thing to happen to the Democratic Party, click here.

South Carolina Debate Review (hint it was bad)

I don’t why I got my hopes up after the last debate that this one would be entertaining again. I’m not sure there were any real winners tonight but there were definitely 2 losers….the moderators and the viewers. The moderators never once had control over the debate, anyone could just start talking the loudest, take control and once you started you could go on forever. The whole thing was just terrible to watch and for that I’m not sure there will be any clear changes from this debate. The crowd seemed to be off as they were cheering/booing at weird times…until it came out that those people were charged $1500-3000 to attend the debate. The Democratic Party for Common People by Common People as always.

I think Biden probably did enough to stay the favorite in South Carolina. He actually had some fire, went on the attack, and since he didn’t collapse….he’s a winner I guess. I don’t know if anyone else was a winner. Bernie faced a lot of attacks but I thought he handled himself fairly well. Definitely not his best performance but I don’t think it hurts him and he’s still definitely the favorite. Bloomberg didn’t get crucified like last week so I guess that’s a win for him.

Warren and Amy didn’t really have great nights but I don’t think they did terribly either. The problem is both of them need a spark in their campaigns. Tom Steyer also had a decent night but I think he needed to do better to secure a top 3 finish in South Carolina.

Pete had a pretty bad night in my opinion and that may be biased because I’ve grown to hate him more and more as the campaign has gone on. He spent so much of his time tonight preaching about what is or isn’t electable like he knows what he is talking about. But in reality he’s never won a statewide election or gotten 11,000 votes!

So yeah while this was a pretty terrible debate, hopefully the next debate stage will be thinned out a little bit. Bernie is still the clear frontrunner and it looks like it’ll be Bloomberg or Biden who will be his main candidate. Unless Warren, Amy or Pete get a surprising result in SC or on Super Tuesday, they don’t have a chance.

South Carolina Debate Preview

Tonight 7 candidates will face off in South Carolina ahead of the primary there on Saturday. Bernie Sanders comes in as the sole frontrunner after going 3/3 to start. He broke it open in Nevada where he doubled up 2nd place Biden. If he goes 4/4 it’ll seemingly be over after Super Tuesday (where 1/3 of the delegates are up for grabs) so this may be the last time for someone to try and stop him (if you even can at this point). Right now it seems like South Carolina will be the last stand for about half the candidates and Super Tuesday will be make or break for the other half. I can’t see more than 3 or 4 max still going after that.

As always here’s the state of the race in 1 picture:

The first thing to look for tonight is whether the bottom 5 candidates attack Bernie at the start of if they go right for Bloomberg’s jugular again. Biden & Steyer need to be strong ahead of the primary and with Super Tuesday a week away people like Warren, Amy, & Pete will need to either attack Bernie or Bloomberg or just fight it out and try to be the last of the 3 standing. Hopefully this debate is as fiery and entertaining as the last one. It should be as so many campaigns hang in the balance of what happens in the next week or so.


Bernie Sanders is in a great spot going into the debate. He’s coming off a huge win in Nevada and as of now he’s the only non-billionaire to have the money to compete on Super Tuesday. I’d also be happy if i was him, when I see the media/other candidates grasping at straws trying to go after him. They can’t really go after him on the issues because he’s the most trusted on the issues. It’s tough to say he’s unelectable when he’s literally winning elections now and it’s tough to say he has a ceiling or is divisive when he almost got 50% in Nevada. So now they’ve gone for his supporters are mean online, he’s a Russian asset, he once said something nice about Fidel Castro decades ago (the same “something nice” Obama said when he was President), or that he hasn’t released all of his medical records. I don’t think any of these attacks hurt him, especailly when he can point to Mike Bloomberg who hasn’t realeased any tax returns and who’s said nice things about Xi Jinping in China this decade. In reality, unless Biden wins SC it’ll likely be Bernie v. Bloomberg and I think that’s the perfect match up for Bernie.

South Carolina Last Stand

South Carolina appears to be Joe Biden’s last stand. He needs a win to keep going and even if he does it might be too late. Biden’s been hurting for cash already so, (along with a win) he’ll need a huge fundraising haul/SuperPAC dump to fund operations/ads in all those states on ST. Biden needs to have his best debate ever tonight in order to try and get some momentum going forward. If not Uncle Joe might never get that 1st career Presidential Primary win.

Tom Steyer has invested heavily in South Carolina and if he doesn’t do well he should get out of the race….but Steyer has the money to waste if he wants to keep going. He’s back on the stage tonight and he needs to make a good showing to stay in the top 3.

Make or Break on Super Tuesday

The campaigns of Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg all seemingly will be make or break on ST. Both Warren and Klobuchar’s home-states vote on ST so a loss there should be enough to get them outta the race. Pete needs to attract non-white voters to continue and despite his best attempts at Obama cosplay, after getting caught faking black endorsements for the second (2nd) time this campaign, that seems unlikely.

The big question for those 3 is who they go after tonight. Bloomberg is the perfect foil for Warren and she should go hard at him again. Amy & Pete seemingly will go hard for Bernie/Warren but I’m not sure either one of them can do anything to get themselves back into it.


The good news for Michael Bloomberg is that he couldn’t do any worse than the least debate. A win for him tonight would be just standing on the stage and having everyone forget he was there. His only plan seems to be buy delegates and hope to get enough to force a contested convention. He’s the only candidate in the race with negative favorability, has stop & frisk, NDAs, ties with China, and his name in Epstein’s little black book. It’s hard to underestimate someone with $60 billion dollars but that money seems like the only thing working for him at the moment.

State of the Race Before Nevada

The Nevada Caucus, the 3rd contest, is here. The frontrunner, Bernie Sanders, is also the favorite in Nevada, so it looks like everyone else is fighting for 2nd. As always we’ll start with the state of the race in 1 picture.


Bernie is the clear frontunner and is in position for a commanding win in Nevada. After the January FEC reports came in, it seems he is the only (non-billionaire) candidate with the money to compete hard on Super Tuesday. And from the last debate it seems like he is the only candidate capable of entering the convention with the most delegates. Plus you can tell by the media freakout just how well he’s doing. There’s endless coverage of his mean supporters, him not releasing every single piece of his medical info, and now some Russia smears as well. They’re literally throwing everything at the wall to see if anything can stick and slow him down.

Non-Bernie Tier

Everyone else (that isn’t a billionaire) is in need of cash to keep funding their campaigns (After seeing the newest FEC reports it makes sense why all these people now have SuperPACS airing ads for them). To get this money these people need good results to keep that money flowing in. For Pete and Amy they need to attract non-white voters. After Iowa and NH neither one stands a serious chance unless they can add some color to almost all white support. Elizabeth Warren just needs anyone to support her at this point. After a strong debate she seemingly needs good performances the rest of the way to stay in it. Although a loss in her home state of Massachusetts on Super Tuesday could be the end. Joe Biden is making his last stand in South Carolina. A loss there would seemingly send him packing, though a bad Nevada performance could do that too.


Mike Bloomberg finally got on stage and was promptly demolished. His strategy still remains to bombard the airwaves, peel off as many delegates as he can and then try to buy the nomination at the convention. Tom Steyer seems to be relying heavily on Nevada and South Carolina. Without strong performances in either of those places it seems unlikely Steyer will continue. Though he does have the money to waste if he wants to.

At this point Bernie is in a great position. A strong win in Nevada will keep his momentum going into South Carolina and Super Tuesday. It seems like the media and other candidates are resigned to the fact that none of them can get more delegates than Bernie but will have to take it from him at the convention. I just don’t see that happening though as it would literally be the end of the Democratic Party.

Nevada Debate Instant Recap

FINALLY there were some fireworks on the debate stage, they started early and never really stopped. We had Warren vs. Everyone, Everyone vs. Bloomberg, Bernie vs. Pete, Pete vs. Amy. Gut reaction Bernie Sanders is the winner, not because he had the best performance (he didn’t) but because Bloomberg & Biden would’ve been better served not showing up at all and because Warren, Pete, & Amy went at each other a lot. This is by far the most likely debate to shift the race as I could see it hurting Bloomberg and it will definitely shake-up the Pete/Amy/Warren tier. My gut take rankings on each person’s performance goes:

  1. Warren
  2. Sanders
  3. Amy
  4. Pete
  5. Biden
  6. Bloomberg

Warren went scorched earth on nearly everyone tonight and if she’s gonna get results it’ll be because of a performance like that. Bernie is also a winner cause he handled himself well while letting everyone else fight it out. Pete and Amy both had decent debates but I’m putting Amy first because 1. it was hilarious that you could tell Amy was envisioning hitting Pete with anything and everything she had on the podium all night and 2. her line saying something like he just memorizes talking points because he lacks real experience was by far the best line either of them had all night. Bloomberg obviously last because…well you saw it…..and if you didn’t just imagine everyone going for the jugular off the jump, him getting booed, and well just basically worst case scenario. NBC’s weren’t as bad as I assumed but still waiting for the Democratic Debates have questions framed from a left-wing perspective. Maybe next time

What every Pundit sees in their nightmares

Random Thoughts

Michael Bloomberg made his debut tonight and was immediately attacked by everyone on the stage. They went after him over stop & frisk, sexual harassment, buying his way into the race, supporting Bush, being against Obamacare, the list goes on and on. But i think what hurt him the most when Warren and Biden went after him on the NDAs. They (rightly) called out that Bloomberg could release these people from the NDAs and all he had to say was he was protecting a consensual contract or some nonsense like that. Bloomberg was getting shit on all night and if you remember that the he bought his way onto the stage….that means tonight was officially the most he’s ever spent to get shit on………..since his last trip to Epstein’s Island of course.

Everyone on stage taking turns hitting Bloomberg

The other big story of the night was Elizabeth Warren going nuclear. Mike Bloomberg is the best thing to ever happen to her campaign. I don’t know why she doesn’t have this same energy all the time. She’s at her best when she’s going after corruption not when she’s picking stupid fights. Her campaign is still in trouble but she might’ve done enough to get the results she needs in Nevada and South Carolina. But if she doesn’t, at least she went down kamikaze style and left everything out on the stage and that makes me like/respect her more.

Joe Biden needed some of the energy Warren had tonight. He is making his last stand in South Carolina and he disappeared multiple times in the debate. (I still can’t believe I lost my bet for Biden least speaking time) He only had a few moments today where he looked lost mid sentence, which is a solid night on the Biden Curve, but besides attacking Bloomberg early he had nothing close to memorable. After that performance, it looks like he’s in danger of not finish top 2/3 in Nevada and that could end up killing his campaign before he can make his “last stand”.

Bernie Sanders clearly dislikes Mayor Pete and he does not hide it well. He loves pointing out Pete’s billionaire donors and how it affects his positions. It seems like an effective attack and Pete even showed his hypocrisy on stage multiple times. He’s said he thinks its smart for Bernie to embrace democratic socialism, praised Denmark tonight (a model country for many of Sanders’ plans) but also in the same debate talks about how worried he is about the electability of socialism and how bad/divisive Sanders’ plans are. Sanders/Warren would be well served to keep attacking Pete over his donors and his hypocrisy….It must hurt Pete to have his high school hero have visible disdain for him…but I know, between Bernie and Amy, it gave Pete some PTSD tonight cause it looked like he was at risk of being shoved into a locker numerous times tonight.

There was a lot of words flying back and forth between Warren, Pete & Amy which makes sense since they are fighting for survival to and past Super Tuesday. When I wrote the debate preview I compared the race between these 3 to a scene in The Dark Knight when the Joker does some recruiting and I don’t mean to pat myself on the back toooo hard buttttt I think it’s a near perfect comparison.

DNC to Warren/Pete/Amy: There’s only room for 1 of you

The questions for the debate weren’t as bad as I was expecting but of course there was the mandatory fear-mongering over socialism. Sanders gave a good rebuttal talking about socialism for the rich and I have seen him give better answers when he has more time. Plus it doesn’t seem to be too big an issue since he won the 1st 2 contests, leads in the polls, and 70% of people in exit polls in IA & NH supported Medicare For All. As much as it physically hurts me to type this (and I never thought I’d say this)……..I have to give Chuck Todd credit for a good question. Please stop booing…..Don’t get me wrong….he still sucks. But when he asked about a contested convention it was verrrryyyyy telling that every other candidate besides Bernie was cool with superdelegates choosing the nominee. After 2016 you’d think every candidate would want less of the DNC involved, less superdelegates but apparently not. It’s almost as if they see that as their only chance to win.

Nevada Debate Preview

Tonight 6 Democratic Candidates will take the stage in Nevada for the reality TV show debate hosted by NBC. Now for this debate preview you, the reader, have several options because here at DoC we cater to those of every learning style. If you hate reading, you’re in luck cause we’ll start with the state of the race in 1 picture. If you like lists, then keep reading because we also have the 6 biggest storylines going into the debate. Keep reading after that if you’re looking for more insightful thoughts (or if you’re just a masochist). If you somehow make it through all that, your reward is a betting guide at the bottom. So just think of this as Dante’s Inferno but for debate coverage…..(which itself would be in about the 7th circle of hell in Dante’s version).

The Primary in 1 Pic

5 Biggest Debate Storylines

  1. Bernie Sanders: Now that he’s the sole frontrunner it’ll be interesting to see how he’s treated. The moderators will likely attack him and his policies like usual but will the candidates go after him. The debates so far have lacked a lot of attacking or edge but this could be the one that turns the tide especially with people like Warren and Biden desperate.
  2. Mike Bloomberg’s Debut: After purchasing his way onto the debate stage, we will see how Bloomberg does. Hopefully everyone goes after him so we can have some actual intrigue on the stage for once.
  3. Price for a Spot on the Stage: Another Bloomberg storyline has been exposing just how much it costs to buy off the DNC. Now any billionaire (or lowly millionaire with nothing better to do) knows the price to get themselves on a democratic debate stage. Instead of spending money on staff or bus tours or whatever the fuck else…Cory Booker, Julian Castro, John Delaney, etc. should’ve used their money to stay on the stage. Something to remember for 2024 I guess.
  4. Biden’s Articulation: Now some people are saying that Biden biggest struggle is connecting with voters but in debates, it’s undeniably his ability to form complete/coherent thoughts. If he has trouble doing that tonight the end might be around the corner as more and more of his donors jump ship for the U.S.S. Oligarch Bloomberg.
  5. Warren’ Strategy: Not too long ago the media was ready to crown Warren but now her campaign is in trouble. After a decent performance in Iowa she embarrassed in NH where she couldn’t even get 10%. She entered the race as a progressive going hard after corruption but has now seemingly pivoted to the “woke” SJW lane. Look out for who Warren goes after. Look to see if the “unity” candidate makes any attacks tonight (and on who).
  6. Pete & Amy: Both of these Midwestern moderates are in the same position of having campaigns that are like goat yoga classes… that they are almost exclusively supported by rich white people. Both need to attract voters of color and without that it’s hard to see either of their campaign trajectories going up. Again it will be interesting to see if they attack each other, focus on Bernie, try to end Biden, or haze the newbie Bloomberg.

More Thoughts

Ironically, the media has helped Bernie Sanders tremendously. By constanlty ignoring or demeaning him they have allowed him to somehow be the frontunner and an underdog at the same time. Meanwhile the rest of the field is fractured which could allow Bernie to lock this thing up sooner rather than later. It’s hilarious watching how desperate the media has become. They have used the electability/socialism smears for over 4 years on Bernie and he’s withstood that. After throwing so much at the wall the only thing they have left right now is that his supporters are mean online. Now if you’re unfamiliar with the American news media this is your crash-course on why they’ve lost the respect and trust of the public. There are seemingly infinite problems in the world yet the media finds time to cover the breaking news that some people are assholes online. But of course there are only 2 reasons it gets coverage. 1. They do not like Bernie. 2. People are being mean to them. They miss the good ol’ days where they were respected as authorities, could make or break candidates at their whim and could delude themselves into thinking their position/salary were deserved. But now they face the harsh reality that real people don’t care what they have to say and can just go online and tell them to fuck off and take their shitty takes elsewhere. I will give MSNBC credit though, they had a clip before NH which was maybe the funniest moment of the campaign so far. A woman who was torn between multiple candidates, told them that she was pushed over the edge to vote for Bernie because of how bad/biased the MSNBC coverage of Bernie was.

Top Notch Self-Own from MSNBC

This debate is also notable because it will be the first appearance for Michael Bloomberg after the billionaire paid off the DNC to change the rules. I have mixed feelings about this. Overall I’m Team #FuckBloomberg, but it is objectively hilarious to see just how much it costs to buy off the DNC. (Honestly Bernie Sanders should just start a grassroots fundraiser to buyout the Democratic leadership. He could raise enough money to get Tom Perez to resign in less than 24 hours) But I am glad to see Bloomberg on the stage so people realize he’s more than just a guy who bombards you with ads. In reality he’s a 5’5 (former Republican) Oligarch with a record of terrible policies, quotes, and behavior. Yes he has used his fortune to advance some good causes…but he could also just continue to do that instead of wasting that money on a vain Presidential run. Joe Biden needs to come out and show he can do more than namedrop Obama and talk about winning hypothetical elections. It would also help if his teeth didn’t almost fall out of his mouth, his eye doesn’t start randomly bleeding, or if he didn’t tell everyone to vote for someone else (something he apparently loves to do).Warren, Pete, & Amy are people who should be on the attack as I don’t see any way all 3 of them are still in the race after Super Tuesday. They could all gang up on Bernie or Bloomberg, or they could try and put Uncle Joe out of his misery, or backstage it could be like that seen from The Dark Knight where the Joker (in this case Tom Perez) drops a broken pool stick down on the floor in front of them and says there’s only room for one of them (my money would be on Amy in that).

Betting Guide

Anywhere on the Internet you can find shitty takes on politics. It is a rarity that you will find a place that will give you shitty political takes and shitty betting tips. As usual with these betting guides, all lines come from Predict-It which lets you buys “shares” of candidates so I will give you the share price as well as a more traditional line.

Most Speaking Time: Right now Bloomberg and Bernie are the favorites at around 40 cents (about +150). I will probably sprinkle a little bit on both of those guys as I think there probably gonna get it. If you like anyone else they have great odds (My pick out of the rest would be Warren at 9 Cents (+900).

Least Speaking Time: Right now the favorite is Klobuchar at 35 cents (+186) with Warren a close 2nd at 30 cents (+233). My pick would probably be Amy but I hate picking all favorites so I’ll go with Biden at 15 cents (+560).

# of Candidates who say “Billionaire”: This is a lock for at least 2 (Bernie/Warren) and with Bloomberg on the stage I think everyone will say the word billionaire at some point, so I’m gonna take 6 for 20 cents (+400). I might also sprinkle some cash on 5 just in case at 27 cents (~+300).

Non-Debate Bets: As I’ve been saying for months I’m still betting on Bernie to win the nomination. He’s somehow even odds at this point so I might throw some more $$$ on him tonight with my winnings. I’d also bet on him to win SC (about the same odds). I’d also look to bet on 2nd place in SC. If Biden collapses, someone like Steyer, Peter, or Warren could slide up into 2nd place and they all have great odds right now.

State of the Race Before NH Primary (w/Bonus Betting Guide)

Today, New Hampshire will vote and *fingers cross* the Democratic Party won’t fuck this up too. In Iowa Bernie Sanders looks to have won the Popular vote with him nearly tied with Pete in delegates. However, these results mean nothing because of the colossal screw-up by the DNC and Iowa Dems. The data still isn’t accurate so either Bernie or Pete could end up on top in delegates. The only clear thing heading into New Hampshire is that with Biden’s slip, Bernie is clearly the fronrunner. Now the only question is who will rise to become the Bernie alternative. Pete needs some support from people of color to become that, Bloomberg could purchase that role, Biden’s campaign could return from the edge of collapse, or Warren could scoop up some of the people from the rest and go to 2nd.

Now let’s briefly at where each candidate stands and what their path is going forward. (If you’re looking for just the betting guide skip to the bottom).


Bernie Sanders:

Coming out of Iowa and into NH, Bernie looks like the only frontrunner. He looks like he won the popular vote in Iowa and could have won the delegates and he looks poised to win in NH. If he does, it looks increasingly likely he will pick up the momentum to win in Nevada and/or South Carolina and then clean up on Super Tuesday and put himself in good position to win the whole thing. I’m sure we’ll see establishment freak-outs and tons of negative stories from “anonymous sources” but just as with Trump in 2016 it’ll be too late. When the field narrows I don’t think there is anyone that will be able to take Bernie 1v1. We’ve already seen Bernie hammer Pete over his billionaire donors, he would continue to attack Biden over Social Security, Iraq, Trade, etc., and while Bloomberg has the money to compete, he would be the perfect foil for Bernie to rail against. Plus he’d have the advantage anytime Trump tweeted about the race as “Mini Mike” is so much more devastating than “Crazy Bernie”. People are worried about Bernie’s electability are silly to me for a few reasons. 1. No one actually knows what is electable. 2. There’s no chance Biden or Pete can go against Trump 1v1. In order to beat someone like Trump who is a lightening rod and a rockstar, you need a rockstar. I think Bernie is the only one who can be that. Last night in NH he drew a crowd of over 7,000 when no other candidate has been able to draw 2,000 there. Just look at the this event and try to tell me Bernie isn’t a rockstar or electable.

Competing for “Bernie Alternative”

Keeping with the 2016 analogy, once Trump started pulling away, the rest of the field consolidated around Ted Cruz. If Bernie starts to look like he’s pulling away people will drop out and a “moderate alternative to socialism” will be anointed.

Pete Buttigieg:

The former mayor had a strong performance in Iowa and may have even won the most delegates. To hang on in the race he needs a similar performance in NH. I’m not sure it’ll matter as he has continued to garner no support among voters of color. And now that the media is pretending he has a change….everyone is starting to pile on him with Bernie going hard after his (40) Billionaire donors and Biden attacking his experience which caps out at mayor of 100,000 and includes never winning a statewide race. Last night at the NH Dem Party dinner, he was booed and the crowd chanted “Wall Street Pete”. While the media and donors still seem to love him, he’s being exposed online for claiming now that “socialism” will make it harder to win in 2020 and that he is too divisive to get bipartisan support when he’s spent recent years saying the exact opposite. He’s running a campaign that boils down to “old ways of thinking” with a fresh face *Similar campaign going on in the MA Senate Primary but with some Kennedy magic mixed in* It’s hard to see Pete being the alternative to Bernie without a win in NH and significantly broadening his support.

Joe Biden:

The former VP had a rough go in Iowa, even spending money late trying to minimize the damage, he finish a distant 4th. From the beginning of the race I have said Biden’s support has been soft but even I was starting to doubt that as he staid fairly steady in the polls. Biden’s whole strategy has been about electability it’s working as well as it has in the past (Gore, Kerry, Hillary (08), Romney, Hillary (16)). Besides electability, the only consistent for Biden is doing weird shit on the trail. From biting his wife’s finger on stage, to calling voters fat and challenging them to push-ups, telling numerous people to vote for someone else, kissing his teenage granddaughter on the lips, to handing reporters pieces of paper with pre-written answers instead of answering a question like a normal person….it’s been a wild and hilarious campaign for Uncle Joe. His main problem seems to be he overperforms in polls because he i known and generally liked…but no one under 65 (and not brainwashed by the MSNBC) thinks he’s the best person for the job. I do like the fact that he’s hammering Pete, with his limited money left, now in NH. He’s making the same electability argument but it works perfectly because it’s calling out someone who’s resume includes helping fix bread prices and only getting like 12,000 votes for the highest office he’s ever held. If he can’t turn this thing around and hold strong in NH or South Carolina it looks like Joe will still be without that elusive 1st career Primary win. On the bright side though, he keeps telling people to vote for someone else and it looks like the voters are listening to him.

Elizabeth Warren:

Out of everyone in this pack, I think Warren might have the best chance to be the Bernie alternative. If you only listen to cable news you may be shocked to hear this as they constantly claim her and Bernie share the same voters. This isn’t really true though as Warren tends to draw support from whiter middle/upper class voters while Sanders has a more multi-racial working class support. This seems to explain why she has swung her campaign into the “Social Justice/Unity” lane. Warren held onto a strong 3rd in Iowa and if she can finish 2nd in NH (or even close 3rd) she might be able to stay around long enough to pick up all the Pete/Joe/Amy voters who are abandoning ship. If Warren can pick up the scraps from those candidates she would be the strongest alternative to Bernie*. *non-billionaire division

Amy Klobuchar:

Amy got the Top 5 finish she needed in Iowa but now she needs to bring in some support in a non-MidWest state. Amy has run her campaign on the 3 M’s; Moderate, MidWest, Mom-jokes. In every debate she is simultaneously declared a winner by 93% of the media as soon as it ends. She is the recipient of the coveted 1/2 NYT endorsement. But her best quality might be how much she seems to loathe Pete. You can tell deep down she wants to scream “If you want a Midwest moderate and one that has actually won statewide races then support me you idiots!!” The problem for her is she can’t go scorched Earth on him cause she needs to pick up his voters if she’s going anywhere. 3 varying-levels-of-fun facts about Amy are she would be the first female President, first President from the state of Minnesota, and the first President to have ever eaten a salad with a comb. While it’s unlikely she’ll get anywhere close to accomplishing those firsts, she is a leading candidate for VP or the cabinet (hopefully one with utensils).


Tom Steyer:

I’m not sure why but I’m actually starting to like Tom Steyer. It might be because it looks like he likes everyone else on stage but no one else seems to really like him. Or maybe it’s that he’s another voice on stage calling out corruption…I’m not sure maybe it’s that stupid tie he seems to have a million of irregardless I’m warming up to him. His strategy has been to bombard airwaves in Nevada and South Carolina and he seems to be focusing more on SC. I don’t think he has a real chance to win anything but he might have spent enough to pick up some delegates and stick around for a while.

Michael Bloomberg:

Michael Bloomberg entered the race late and just said Fuck the first 4 states. Instead he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on ads in Super Tuesday states where no one else can focus yet. He also has a chance to become the Bernie alternative as he has unlimited money and could pick up some moderate/establishment Biden/Pete/Amy support. I don’t think Bloomberg has a great chance to win unless there’s somehow a brokered convention where he could just buy-off enough support to get the nomination. As his record (supporting Bush, the Iraq War, Stop & Frisk, etc.) get examined I think he’ll plateau or have the empty poll numbers disappear. His candidacy is a great experiment though in seeing just how much support can be bought. So far it seems around 10% and a lot of Mayors. Screw his record or his blatant attempt to buy the nomination and subsequently White House, he should be disqualified for his treatment of dogs. Look at what this “human” does

Forget “Socialism”…..THIS is the real electability problem

If you meet a guy and he greets your dog by to trying to grab/shake their snout there’s not a chance in this or any world you trust that person. If Jesus came back to Earth today and first thing he did was try to shake a dog’s mouth….the Catholic Church would immediately collapse and thousands of pedophiles would be unemployed/shipped off to third world zoos churches.


Andrew Yang & Tulsi Gabbard :

Yang and Gabbard are both outsiders who seemingly will depend on the independent minded NH (also an open primary) to keep going. They have both survived thanks to signature issues (UBI or free money for Yang) (Anti-Interventionist Foreign Policy for Tulsi). I think Yang has more of a chance of competing thanks to his bigger grassroots support and depth/uniqueness of his platform. However, both need a strong showing in NH to make the case they should keep going.

Betting Guide:

All of the information and odds for the betting guide come from Predict-It, a site where you can buy or sell “stock” in candidates. You can bet on individual contest winners, 2nd place, the nominee, or on the general election winner (among other bets). As I have said in basically every betting guide, I’d advise hammering Bernie as he’s been under-valued (though that’s changed now mostly). The picks I’m gonna give are for the winner of the nomination, winner of the general, and some individual contest picks.

  • Nomination: Though he’s the favorite my pick is still Bernie Sanders: 47 cents (about +120). If you’re high on Bloomberg you can get him at 25 cents (+300) or if you want a risk I’d think about Warren at 5 cents (+1900).
  • SC Winner: Again I’m gonna take Sanders at 44 cents (~+122) but if you think Biden will hold on you can get him at 37 cents (~+180).
  • SC 2nd Place: If Biden falls he’ll fall hard and I think someone else could pick up 2nd in SC. I would think about Steyer at 22 cents here (~+350). Pete or Warren have great odds if you think one of them can pick up Biden supporters.
  • 2nd place in NH: I wouldn’t touch who’s gonna win NH as Bernie is the heavy favorite (80 cents or -400). I think Pete might fall and I’m gonna take a risk at betting he won’t finish 2nd which is 25 cents (+300) and maybe even sprinkle Warren to finish 2nd at 5 cents (+1900).
  • Super Tuesday: Since it’s early you can get a winner for a lot of the Super Tuesday states at 30-40 cents. Pick who you think will have the momentum by then and take advantage of the odds.
  • General Election Winner: You should know by now I’m riding with Bernie Sanders at 31 cents (~+230). If you don’t trust any of the Dem candidates, Trump is the favorite at 55 cents (-122).
  • EXTRA Wild Card Pick: Iowa Winner: Now since the Iowa caucuses were such a clusterfuck there has yet to be a declared winner. There has been a recount initiated by the Bernie and Pete camps and it is incredibly close in state delegates. Because of that I’ve picked up some stocks for Bernie to be declared winner in Iowa at 20 cents (+400).

Pre-NH Primary Betting Guide

You can get shitty takes on the Primary anywhere you look….but here we’ll also give you shitty gambling takes. All of the information and odds for the betting guide come from Predict-It, a site where you can buy or sell “stock” in candidates. You can bet on individual contest winners, 2nd place, the nominee, or on the general election winner (among other bets). As I have said in basically every betting guide, I’d advise hammering Bernie as he’s been under-valued (though that’s changed now mostly). He has the most donors, raised the most money, has the most enthusiasm, is the most liked, is trusted most on the issues and now has taken the lead in national polls. If that’s not a clear frontrunner I don’t know what is. The picks I’m gonna give are for the winner of the nomination, winner of the general, and some individual contest picks.

  • Nomination: Though he’s the favorite my pick is still Bernie Sanders: 47 cents (about +120). If you’re high on Bloomberg you can get him at 25 cents (+300) or if you want a risk, think about Warren at 5 cents (+1900) not that she’ll win but that her stock will rise enough to make $.
  • 2nd place in NH: I wouldn’t touch who’s gonna win NH as Bernie is the heavy favorite (80 cents or -400). I think Pete might fall and I’m gonna take a risk at betting he won’t finish 2nd which is 25 cents (+300) and maybe even sprinkle Warren to finish 2nd at 5 cents (+1900).
  • SC Winner: Again I’m gonna take Sanders at 44 cents (~+122) but if you think Biden will hold on you can get him at 37 cents (~+180).
  • SC 2nd Place: If Biden falls he’ll fall hard and I think someone else could pick up 2nd in SC. I would think about Steyer at 22 cents here (~+350). Pete or Warren have great odds if you think one of them can pick up enough Biden supporters.
  • Super Tuesday: Since it’s early you can get a winner for a lot of the Super Tuesday states at 30-40 cents. Pick who you think will have the momentum by then and take advantage of the odds.
  • General Election Winner: You should know by now I’m riding with Bernie Sanders at 31 cents (~+230). If you don’t trust any of the Dem candidates, Trump is the favorite at 55 cents (-122).
  • EXTRA Wild Card Pick: Iowa Winner: Now since the Iowa caucuses were such a clusterfuck there has yet to be a declared winner. There has been a recount initiated by the Bernie and Pete camps and it is incredibly close in state delegates. Because of that I’ve picked up some stocks for Bernie to be declared winner in Iowa at 20 cents (+400).