Outside the Box VP Picks for Joe Biden

Now that Joe Biden is the only candidate left in the race for the Democrat nominee it’s time for him to pick a running mate and he’s already said he’ll pick a woman. His VP pick will be extra important because as an old man with dementia voters will look for a VP who almost certainly might have to assume the duties of Commander-in-Chief. While the talking heads have been throwing out names like Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren as suggestions, I think Biden needs to go outside the box with his pick.. Here are some picks that have that IT-Factor Biden needs.

Gretchen Whitmer

The Michigan Governor has rose to national prominence recently for calling out President Trump and earning a nickname from him. Plus what better way to appeal to Bernie supporters than by having the daughter to the former CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield as your VP.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin has already been a VP candidate so she knows the routine. She could help Biden really secure the moderate/Never-Trump vote. Plus she could bring some much needed energy to the campaign. What better way to bring much needed enthusiasm to the campaign than by having Palin open up every event perfoming 90s rap songs. #BidenPalin2020

Anita Hill

Anita Hill as the VP pick would bring a lot of positives to the Biden campaign. It could take away one angle of attack from Trump, it could help solidify the African American support and it would show that Biden has grown from his mistakes. What better way to make up for an apology that was decades too late than by nominating Hill as your VP.

Susan Sarandon

If you’re online, you know that Susan Sarandon is the most influential person on the left. I’ve been told that she is one of the biggest reasons Hillary lost. As Susan Sarandon says, the nation goes…..or something like that. Bringing the actress in as VP could really help Biden bring the party together by attracting the left. Only downside would be if a #BidenSarandon2020 ticket lost then the #Resist Twitter would only have Russia as an excuse.

Greta Thunberg

What better way to get young people excited about your campaign than to have the young climate change activist Greta Thungerg be your Vice President. Now I know some nerds in my mentions will talk about how she is too young or isn’t an American….blah, blah, blah. This current President has shown norms don’t mean shit, and people don’t care about them at all, so if Biden wants to win he should think about #BidenThunberg2020

Captain Marvel (Brie Larson)

Evidence has shown that nothing drives more turnout than by adding Marvel’s name to the ticket. Put her as VP and polling places across the country will be more packed. Plus what better way to hide substantive gender critiques with one big gesture than by bringing on Captain Marvel as VP.

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